Monday, April 9, 2012

Citrus mix

I'm unsure of what to actually call this vinegar mix.

hardcore vinegar

extra strength vinegar (sounds like a headache medication)
grease fighter
super great and amazing grease fighting citrus vinegar mix
That last one seems a bit too long.

So I've settled on citrus mix. Now what makes this one different than the first vinegar recipe I posted? The citrus duh!

This citrus vinegar mix is another great all purpose cleaner, however this recipe also doubles as an ultra amazing grease cutter too. The vinegar disinfects and the citrus cuts grease and other gunk. Pair that with a scrubbie and you too can tackle even the nastiest of stoves.

So this is what you need. 

the peel of 3 to 4 lemons or oranges (or 2 of each)
a bottle of vinegar
some kind of jar
a spray bottle
Some patience

Here's what you do...

Mix the citrus peels and the bottle of vinegar into a jar (I use a mason jar but old pasta jars will work too) and put it away for 2 weeks. I keep mine in my pantry. When two weeks is up the vinegar should be well infused with the citrus. Run everything threw a strainer. Keep the liquid and throw away the peels*.

Now from here you can do one of two things. You can dilute the liquid with 75% water and use it as an all purpose cleaner or you can keep it concentrated and uses it for the caked on grease.

Easy as that. This is my jar. 

 * Want another green cleaning tip? Take the citrus peels that you emptied out of the jar and put them down your garbage disposal with a handful of ice cubes. The citrus breaks up the grease down there and the ice sharpens your blades. Let the garbage disposal run until everything has been cleared out.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

All hail my local Goodwill

Thank you pinterest for the picture! 

The picture says it all. Yes I shop at thrift stores. No I am not poor. Broke but not poor. I keed. Well kind of. With that being said, ALL HAIL THE GOODWILL. My local Goodwill is amazing. My family and I have a little Sunday morning tradition in the works. We go to the thrift store and hang out there for, like, an hour! See our Goodwill is just down the street from Target so some of the stuff they get is salvaged from Target. Those are the things I keep my eye out for. 

I've found many treasures at the Goodwill. Would you be willing to shop there? You can find your local Goodwill here.

Placemats & coasters for cheap

We recently got a new kitchen table. I am in love with it. I am so in love with it, I am afraid to eat on it. Well not really. We do eat at the table BUT there has to be a table cloth on it. I've been wanting to get placemats but they can be price for the really nice ones and I can't find ones with a non slip back. So what's a girl to do? 

Coincidentally last week while I was cleaning a customers house last week they had some DIY home improvement talk show on TV. Showing was a frugal tip on how to make your own placemats. Needless to say I stopped what I was doing to watch a minute of it.

So what is this frugal and amazing idea for placemats?

drum roll....

Shelf liner! No not that ugly paper thin floral crap your grandmother uses. This is what I bought - Duck shelf liner in burlap ($5.50 at walmart). I'm in love. I cut my desired size and that was it. Then I thought I wanted coasters too. For the size of the coasters I used a CD. It's a good size for cups and a perfect for under our flower vase. 

The wonders of vinegar

If you read my little "about me" section of the homepage then you should know that #1 I hate cleaning and #2 I am a professional house cleaner. Yes very ironic, but hey, it pays the bills and it's taught me a lot about cleaning smart not hard.

I work for a green cleaning company. What does that mean? It means we still use chemicals they're just not as toxic as bleach. Oh and there is no ammonia in any of our chemicals. So what does this have to do with anything? Well prior to be a house cleaner I used regular chemicals you bought at the store. Heck I had 2 different cleaners for every job lol. And after using all of the cleaners I would not only have a nice sparkly disinfected bathroom I also had a sore throat and a cough from inhaling all of the chemicals. Not fun. The I started using the "green chemicals". But those can get pricey. I was forced to find something else. 

So I did. Vinegar.
Seriously this stuff is amazing! Now, I must say, that my adventures with vinegar have only just begin. No really. I mean I started using it to clean, like, 3 weeks ago. BUT I can say so far I LOVE it!

I'm rambling now. I'll just get the the recipe.

My photos suck. Yes. But we're not here for my photography, right? 
You need:  a bottle of vinegar ($0.72 at Walmart)
                   a spray bottle ($1 at the Dollar Tree)
                   some kind of oil. I happened to have lilac oil.

Directions:  Mix the bottle of vinegar and about 30 drops of oil into the spray bottle. Shake well and use. Because of the oil this is a great mixture for everything from cleaning your counter tops to cleaning your bathroom mirrors.

So if you use vinegar, what's your favorite recipe? 

Happy Easter

Or as my husband would say. Happy zombie Jesus day. Now enjoy a song while you bite the heads off of your marshmallow birds.


Welcome to She Cleans With Vinegar.
This blog is still in the works so be patient with me.
Hope you enjoy what you see though :-)